
Two Sexual Assault Survivors Are Redesigning Personal Safety

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Quinn Fitzgerald and Sara Dickhaus de Zarraga met at Harvard Business School. Fitzgerald came to the business school after serving as assistant director of the White House Business Council during the Obama administration, hoping to bring more positive social change to the business sector. Having previously worked in international finance and investment banking, de Zarraga came to the school looking to explore ways to combine her passions for women's empowerment and entrepreneurship. Both women can point to the exact moment they decided to go into business with one another. 

Fitzgerald and de Zarraga were brainstorming possible project topics for their entrepreneurship class over a bottle of wine. They were discussing large societal problems, and as both women are survivors of sexual assault, they landed on the topic of personal safety. This led to de Zarraga pulling out the pepper spray keychain her mother had gifted her, and they began talking about how most personal safety devices were missing the mark. 

Products like de Zarraga's pepper spray seemed like the right option for a dire circumstance, but both women seemed to come up empty when racking their brains for an existing product that might help in the moments leading up to those red alert encounters. Both de Zarraga and Fitzgerald had experienced those moments—those grey area interactions where someone feels uncomfortable but not quite ready to break out the pepper spray. They decided there was a need for a product to fit that circumstance. It needed to be discreet, something you wouldn't mind having on your person, but still able to help get someone out of an uncomfortable situation. This conversation is what brought Fitzgerald and de Zarraga from classmates to business partners and what would eventually turn a class project into a business.

"Safety is not black and white. The vast majority of assaults take place with someone you know in a familiar place. But the safety industry is focused on ways to escalate a situation when you are in an emergency. Instead, we wanted to create something that people could use to get out of an uncomfortable situation as soon as they felt unsure before it becomes an emergency because that provides you with more self-agency and control," explained de Zarraga.

So, the process began to create a product that could meet all of those needs. It would be a two-year-long process filled with research, interviews, surveys, focus groups, user testing and rounds of different iterations of the product.

The end result is a bracelet with a concealed button, which, when tapped, can prompt either a recorded call that sounds as if a friend in need is calling or can trigger a text to a pre-selected group of friends. The responses are designed to allow the person to step away or to encourage friends to check-in. The product is called Flare, a name meant to nod to both the safety features as well as the look of the product. 

Getting to this final point wasn't easy however. There were certainly bumps in the road. For one, both women came from backgrounds that are pretty far removed from hardware engineering so there was a high learning curve at play. They also didn't have many classmates looking to take on similar challenges. "By far, most HBS graduates go on to consulting or finance roles. In our year, there are a handful or two classmate-founding teams. The number that is smaller, honestly, is the number of female-only founding teams coming out of business school," said Fitzgerald. 

Getting the tech right took a while; first, they considered automatic activation sensors before ultimately landing on wanting the user to trigger the response. Then, they needed to ensure it wasn't easy to accidentally trigger the button. Finally, once they got the tech and initial design where they wanted it, they needed to find a jeweler who was willing to work with their unique needs—after meeting with more than ten potential jewelers, they found one up to the job. 

So, despite entering entirely new territory, the women were able to bring their product to launch and actually credit their unique backgrounds to getting there. "In today's world, you are often expected to have experience in an area before starting something there–but we think that is an incredibly limiting mindset that hampers innovation. So, we dove in, learned as much as we could, took classes and did the work to build up our expertise so that no one could deny it," said de Zarraga. They were able to lead two impressive rounds of financing, the most recent of which resulted in $3M. Flare made it to launch this week and so far the brand has landed endorsements from The Army of Survivors, Her Campus and The United State of Women.

Despite all that, both founders feel they are just beginning with Flare and are already working on expanding the product line and product capabilities. At the same time though, they're proud of how far they've come and hope their story encourages other entrepreneurs to go against the grain and follow their passion. They won't tell you it's going to be easy to bring your bottle of wine brainstorm idea to life, but will say that if it's something worth pursuing, the extra work is well worth it.




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